
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Walnut butter bar cookies

Sorry this post isn't timely any more.  Parenting intrudes on my blogging some days ;)

I love these guys.  Finely chopped nuts top a dense, rich, buttery shortbread cookie and the recipe goes together fast.  In the time it takes your oven to pre-heat, you'll have the batter put together.  The cookie batter is made rather like chou pastry, in the saucepan you melt the butter in (if you melt butter on the stovetop).  It's not especially freeze-able, but it comes together so fast you don't need to worry about prepping ahead.

Recipe is from Reader's Digest's A Family Christmas (as all my holiday cookie recipes were this year LOL) That book calls these "toffee cookies", but I don't perceive "toffee" in this cookie so I choose to rename them.

Walnut Butter Bar Cookies
Makes about 2 dozen
Brushing batter with egg white
1 cup butter, melted
1 cup sugar
2 cups flour
1 egg, separated
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups finely chopped walnuts or hazelnuts

Whisk together butter, sugar and flour.  Stir in egg yolk (this will seem impossible at first, but suddenly work) and vanilla.  Spread into a 13x9 pan.  Brush with egg white.  Sprinkle nuts over top.  Bake at 350F for 20-25 minutes.  Cool in pan before cutting.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much, yes they are called toffee cookies cause they taste like toffee and are chewy. My mom made them all the time. She has since past. I couldn't find my recipe when my sister wanted to make them this Christmas. Finally typed in Walnut Butter Cookies and found your copy. Bless your heart, you made our Christmas. These cookies are unique in flavor and so fun to make. My mom baked at 275 for over an hour, until slightly golden.
